Quality Assurance

- “We make sure that Quality is everyone’s business here at KSP.”
- “You know you’ve done the right job in creating a Quality Management System environment when every employee across the hierarchy speaks ‘Quality’.”
- “Always manage by Quality, you’ll get it right the first time around.”
- Standard followed is current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP).
Quality Assurance Brief
Quality assurance in KSP delivers promise for the complete satisfaction of their customers across products and services. We as a team focus on fulfilling front and back-end processes in the most efficient manner, delivering products that meets the specifications of current Good Manufacturing Practices. Quality Assurance act as a back bone in maintenance of desired level of quality in a product at every stage of its production as well as delivery.
In doing so, Quality Assurance puts forth the Guidelines and standards of the pharmaceutical manufacturing at the core of its practice. And with more than 20 employees dedicated to the function of Quality Assurance, our team are selectively spread across different cycles of the manufacturing process: from the receiving of material, to the dedicated in process control work, and across to the final release of our batches, Quality metrics are embedded every step pf the way.
For this, KSP is proudly certified for Good Manufacturing Practices by the Kuwaiti Health Authorities (Ministry of Health – Kuwait) and by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (sFDA).
We have the following Healthy Authority Approvals